Wednesday 25 February 2009

The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World

There are about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 insects on earth at any given moment. Seriously, that's a real number. For every one of us, there are 1.5 billion bugs.But some of them are so horrifying, just one is too many. Here are five you want to avoid at all costs

Why you must fear आईटी
:By now, you will not be surprised to hear that these ants are, in fact, !!!!ing huge, with the soldiers reaching a half inch in length। You will also not be surprised to learn that they have massive, powerful, machete-like jaws half the length of the soldiers themselves. They're notorious for dismantling any living thing in their path, regardless of size. They're also completely blind, which for some reason makes the whole thing worse.

Japanese Giant Hornet (vespa mandarinia japonica)
More scary सहित
:Here is the best part. The larvae can grow anywhere in your body, it just depends on where the eggs wind up. Which could end up with you having a fat wormy thing in your tear duct. Or your brain. We know, because that's happened.A Human Bot Fly larvae, burrowing into your brain. Eating your thoughts.

Africanized Honey Bee (Apis mellifera scutellata)
From:South and Central America, the American Southwest

Bot Fly (family oestridae, genus and species varies)
From:Most species found in Central and South America, some species found all over the वर्ल्ड
Why you must fear it:Oh boy. Ohhhhh boy. Okay, Bot flies.There are dozens of varieties of Bot Fly, they're each highly adapted to target a specific animal, they have delightfully descriptive names like Horse Stomach Bot Fly, Sheep Nose Bot Fly and, hey, guess what. One of them is called Human Bot Fly.They each have a different and elaborate reproductive cycle, all of which end with a fat, half-inch maggot embedded in living flesh.The Human Bot Fly lays its eggs on a horsefly or a mosquito, something that will attempt to land on a human. This carrier finds a human and lands on him or her. The eggs rub off onto the human, whose body heat hatches the eggs. The larvae drop onto the skin and burrow right the !!!! in. Where they live. Under your skin. Eating.Here's video of them removing one. scary shit:Here is the best part. The larvae can grow anywhere in your body, it just depends on where the eggs wind up. Which could end up with you having a fat wormy thing in your tear duct. Or your brain. We know, because that's happened.

Bullet Ant (Paraponera clavata)
Why you must fear it:It's a full inch long, it lives in trees and thus can and will fall on you to scare you away from its hive--the one you didn't know was there, because it's in a !!!!ing tree. Before it does this, it shrieks at you. This ant, you see, can shriek.It's called a Bullet Ant because its 'unusually severe' sting feels like getting shot. On the Schmidt Sting Index, Bullet Ants rate as the number one most try-not-to-shit-out-your-spine painful in the entirety of the Kingdom Arthropoda.Also--and we do feel the need to stress this--they !!!!ing shriek at you before they attack.More scary shit:Are you the sort of person who likes to think of yourself as tough? A "badass," perhaps? "Hard," as they say?Some of the indigenous peoples of the area use Bullet Ants as part of this initiation-to-manhood ceremony that they do. You know the kind we mean, with us it's like, a big party and your relatives give you money and everyone loves you and is so proud of you? Yeah with them, it's these special leaf sleeves with hundreds of bullet ants woven into them, stingers-inwards. They put them on and are immediately stung to holy !!!!ing bejeezus by, and this is important, hundreds of Bullet Ants woven into the sleeves, stingers-inward. goal is to leave them on for 10 minutes, after which their arms are stiff, useless lengths of twisting agony, their bodies wracked with uncontrollable spasms for days. And in order to be actually pass the ordeal and become a man, they have to do it 20 !!!!ing times.

Army or Soldier Ant (Eciton burchellii)
From:The Amazon Basin. There's other subfamilies living in Asia and Africa, but these are the most notorious.Why you must fear it:By now, you will not be surprised to hear that these ants are, in fact, !!!!ing huge, with the soldiers reaching a half inch in length. You will also not be surprised to learn that they have massive, powerful, machete-like jaws half the length of the soldiers themselves. They're notorious for dismantling any living thing in their path, regardless of size. They're also completely blind, which for some reason makes the whole thing worse.

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